The tour today not only included the show, but a 3-hour shopping extravaganza at the new Branson Landing. It's a shopping complex along Lake Taneycomo. The lake is more like a river in this area. A little trivia: the lake got its name from TANEY COunty MO (Missouri).
Because we all are not the greatest walkers, we opted to take our own car to the show and then do our own thing afterwards.
The show was the Red, Hot & Blue Show. It was mostly a revue of musicals from the 1920s to the present. It was good, but nothing I'd recommend. Here's a few pix from the shows Grease and Hair.
As we were leaving, we caught a glimpse of King Kong hanging about.
We drove down to the Branson Landing ourselves to see about a place to grab lunch. We drove round and round and round trying to find a parking place. Finally, Dave let us out and we headed for a bench to wait for him. We spotted Famous Dave's as a good place to eat outside along Lake Taneycomo. It wasn't too long and Dave found us.
It was hot, but we were under the shade and it really was the coolest day we have had here. I think it was maybe only 98 degrees! The food was just ho-hum. But, we were all hungry, so we were glad to have something to throw down our necks. Here's Dave at Famous Dave's and then a couple of pictures of the lake view.
As it was, we ended up being down at the Landing until nearly 3 PM anyway. But, we just enjoyed doing our own thing.
After our naps in the room, our next outing was to the show we had booked on our own (not with the reunion group). It was the Acrobats of China. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to take any pictures during the performance. But, I did snap this one before I was told not to.
The show was superb. How those ladies and men can twist and cavort themselves into such precarious positions is beyond my wildest imagination. We had 2nd row seats and I still couldn't believe what I was seeing. If you ever get the chance to see them, it's certainly worth it.
At the end of the evening we filled up with gas (for the car, that is) and headed back to our respective rooms to get some shut eye. Tomorrow is another early morning rise for a tour of the town.
I trust you all had a blessed and happy day.
Thanks for the nice comments about the Acrobats of China - New Shanghai Circus. We appreciate fans like you! - Acrobats of China Marketing Team member Cindy