Starting mileage: 37151 at Kimball, TN
Ending mileage: 37479 at Kennett, MO
Miles driven: 328
Gas: $ (I'll have to find the receipt--you'll see why as you read on)
Morning came at 7 AM. Early. We are used to sleeping in until 8 AM for Pam and around 9 AM for Dave.
Kalli has a doggie door at home, so we never have to get up early to let her outside. She slept through the night (from 9 PM) and woke me up at 7 AM with a small whine stating she was ready to go outside.
We had purchased a harness for Graykitty. She's been practicing wearing it for a couple of weeks, but never did more than walk a few steps and then plop down. She hates it. Last night with the harness on, she just wouldn't socialize with us. So, eventually, we removed the harness and she did much, much better. Of course, we have to be extremely careful when exiting or entering the room. One of us holds her or puts her under the covers, which she seems to like in the motel, but never at home.
I went down to the motel's breakfast area and got coffee for both of us,a waffle for me, and two mini-muffins for Dave. His back is still hurting a lot. But, carry on we must.
We were on the road a little later than I hoped, but 9:30 AM wasn't bad for our first packup and to get all the critters organized.
We stopped for gas. The price for regular was $2.52. I went inside to get us a soda and pay for the gas. When I came back, Dave informed me he realized at $37, he had accidentally put in premium. Since I only paid $40, by then, why stop. So, we have no idea what we really paid for gas. But, ol' girdie got her pipes cleaned out!
We headed out northwest on I-24 toward Nashville. Our first stop was in Murfreesboro, TN. For those of you who followed us on our USA trip, you may remember my obsession with Culver's Frozen Custard. Well, I found out that one had opened in Murfreesboro, so at 10:45 AM, we had our frozen custard. YUMMMMMMM.
Out of Nashville, we headed west on I-40 to Jackson, TN. There was very little traffic on I-40. We haven't traveled that route in a few years, so we forgot just how steep it is over the TN mountains. Of course, nothing as steep as the west coast mountains.
We got to Jackson, TN, around 1 PM and were hungry. We did our rotating tasks and then drove through the Steak 'n Shake. We couldn't find any trees close by for shade, mind you it was 101 degrees according to the car's temp. So, we found a patch of grass to eat next to, but stayed in the car and kept the AC running. After filling up our tummies, we headed northwest out of Jackson on Hwy 412.
Highway 412 was flat and four lanes with a grass divider. So, it was really an easy and relaxing drive.
We were surprised by the amount of farming in the area. We wondered if we were back in the Dakotas. We kept noticing low plants with white "flowers." We debated a bit whether they were blossoming tomato plants or cotton, but we knew this was not the deep south (so certainly not cotton). We settled on the unknown and decided they were vegetables!
Not long after our deduction that they were veggies, we realized it was cotton. This far north? Yup. Our next surprise was fields of rice. Here's one such field.
Hwy 412 merges with I-155 to get across the Mississippi River. Here's our first glimpse of the bridge that crosses over.
As soon as we crossed over the bridge, we were in Missouri.
Our overnight was at a Super 8 in Kennett, Missouri. This motel was not as nice (by a long shot) as the one in Kimball, TN. The dog walk area was close, but not well maintained--if you know what I mean. They needed to clean up after pet owners who didn't. The WIFI didn't work. I had not tried the WIFI in Kimball as we were so tired, the last thing I felt like doing was dragging out the PC.

Neither of us wanted to go out for take out, so we just ordered pizza and a salad from Pizza Hut.
After the 9 PM dog walk, we were dead tired. Tomorrow is another day. We'll be out of Missouri (we are crossing through the small southeast "flange" of Missouri) and mostly driving through Arkansas.
Until tomorrow. Have a blessed day.
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